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BCA multifinance employees have various problems, both workload and work stress that have an impact on the emergence of burnout. Burnout is a state of extreme psychological stress so that individuals experience emotional exhaustion and low motivation to work. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive methd. Where the data collection technique is carried out by field observation techniques, conducting interviews with related parties and conducting documentation as evidence. The results showed that the burnout of BCA multifinance employees was categorized as high. Factors that determine burnout in BCA multifinance employees are divided into two, the first is situational factors consisting of : Work second individual factor consist of : demoraphic characteristic (burnout level based on age, gender, education, marital status), burnout rate based on problem solving, expectations too high, personal problems. Suggestions in this study are sharing and counseling to provide good social support such as motivating employees to work optimally by giving awards or rewards for their work.
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